Our Team

I am excited to introduce the fabulous team behind this blog! For the first year and a half I completely ran the whole thing by myself, and at times I felt like I was just flying by the seat of my pants. But after experiencing my fair share of technical difficulties as well as some serious blog growth, I quickly realized I could no longer do this on my own. So I am excited to share all the names and faces that make this blog what it is today.  There is no way everything would keep running smoothly without their invaluable help! Also almost everyone on this list either has or will be publishing guest posts so look for their names as they join the conversation here on the blog.

Lisa Leake, Blog Creator

I am a wife, mother, foodie, blogger, and New York Times Bestselling author who started this site to (hopefully) inspire others to cut out highly processed food. Prior to my unexpected and “almost didn’t happen” blogging stint I absolutely loved both food and cooking, but never wrote anything a day in my life (other than thank you notes and term papers!). I actually worked for Bank of America mostly doing corporate event planning up until my older daughter was 4-years-old…so as you can see quite a contrast from food writing. I am glad I overcame my “lack of writing skills” concern though and went down this path anyway because as it turns out, combining a deep passion with determination and hard work can take you to some pretty unexpected and exciting places!

Sometimes it feels like I don’t have much of a life outside of this blog (and the cooking that comes with it), but I do have other interests! They include traveling, gardening, sewing, craft projects with my girls, entertaining friends, throwing an occasional party, running or biking for exercise, and both decorating and organizing our home. Yep, I am your classic type-A busybody…even though I sometimes try I never actually sit still for very long!

To learn more about how this blog got started check out our “about” page.

jasonJason Leake, My Husband and Operations Manager

Jason is a jack-of-all-trades having worked in engineering, real estate, and sales. But in August of 2012, Jason had the opportunity to leave corporate America and begin working on the blog full time. Hooray! Jason’s primary blog roles are editor, COO, and CFO. He is also involved behind the scenes with most every other aspect of the blog including strategic development, grocery go-getting, first tier-tech support, and emotional support. :)

Outside of work, Jason is a very involved dad and husband.  He loves adventure, mountain biking, camping/backpacking, music, travel, home improvement projects, truthful people, and of course real food.  He also enjoys rock climbing, running, and meditation (but is a novice at all three).  Jason and Lisa both currently reside in Charlotte, NC with their two daughters, ages 13 and 15, and recently built a tiny house retreat in the mountains.

Kiran Dodeja Smith, Advertising Manager and Contributor

Originally from Cleveland, Ohio, Kiran was a Junior in college when she realized that the accounting degree she was pursuing was not the field she wanted to work in for the rest of her life. So instead, she continued on and completed an MBA program with a focus in marketing. Upon graduation, she moved to Charlotte, NC with her (now) husband. After working for 3.5 years with a regional bridal publication, she started her own business, a regional magazine targeting parents. She successfully ran the publication for 8 years, during which she expanded her family to include four children. In November 2011, it was time for a change.

Kiran handles all of our sponsorship partners and advertising sales including giveaways and discounts for our readers. If advertising your company or website on 100 Days of Real Food might be a good fit then Kiran is your girl! Kiran brings a strong understanding of advertising, marketing and promotion as well as skills gained from running a small business and can assist you in finding the best way to promote your business to our targeted demographic. Please visit our Work with Us page to connect.

In addition to working with sponsors, Kiran is a contributing writer for the blog. She is also a Certified Holistic Health Coach and has her own blog, EasyRealFood.com. She currently resides in Charlotte, NC with her husband and four children.


Nicole Winslow

Nicole Winslow, Executive Assistant and Social Media Manager

Nicole works as my assistant, helping me manage the day to day tasks and any projects that need to be done. She’s also the person who ensures our followers on Facebook and Instagram stay connected with daily posts.

Nicole is a first-time mom to a tenacious, but lovable, toddler boy. She loves all things DIY and shares them on her personal crafting blog. Whenever possible, she and her husband enjoy traveling—Europe now being her favorite trip. With a background in Graphic Design and a degree in Visual Arts & Emerging Media Management from UCF, she tries to find every opportunity to be creative.

91 thoughts on “Our Team”

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  1. I’m sure you can work-out the answer to your question.
    WHY don’t I? =>time, financial commitments, obligations, etc.

    if I could go back to school days and make different career choices, I would now do something in a health context. though back then as a naive 17 year old in a country town, having to take steps towards making career path choices, there was no way I could know a career could be forged out of pursuing health.

    unfortunately or fortunately (depending on how you look at it), life’s about compromise and sacrifice (you can’t get something for nothing, which applies to everything in life), thus you can’t always do what you want/you’re passionate about.

    meanwhile though, I obviously do/impart what I can in the context of the people I know and come into contact with, if they’re interested.

    this is my last post, so I’ll leave my 2 cents for what it’s worth (of course, delete this post if inappropriate or OTT or too long), which is based SOLELY on my personal experience and results, obtained from my continuing 30 year interest/hobby in:

    “diet and nutrition and its role in, and contribution to, a healthy ageing process”, and since 1996: research into human physiology and biochemistry, and molecular biology.

    Some people collect stamps. I’ve collected 30 years of knowledge, trialled and errored it, applied and put it into practice with me as the Guinea Pig:

    Core personal nutrition ethos since 15 years old:
    – if you can’t find it somewhere out there (out the window of your house/car/plane/train) in nature growing/grazing/flowing AS God intended (not GM), then: DON’T CONSUME IT, or (to be practical given modern-day lifestyles), consume it in as close to the state as you would find it in nature.
    But better to go hungry till you can find it in the preferred state (which you should have already pre-prepared for anyway).
    ie. don’t consume anything made/invented by man.
    ie. don’t consume additives (..cause they’re man made)
    ie. if you have to deviate from above, make it as unprocessed as possible

    Dietary fundamentals:
    – bowl of organic rolled oats with scoop of unprocessed bran and sliced banana for breakfast
    – with 60 grams high quality Native (undenatured) Whey Protein Isolate stirred through
    – with water (a good WPI will make the taste as good as with milk)

    – no dairy (reasons to involved to elaborate here as to why)
    – no bread (or only occasionally because you make it yourself)
    – no simple carbs (simple carbs are usually the domain of processed foods, though there are a few natural ones to avoid, eg. white potato)
    – organic: red meat twice per week; chicken once per week; fish once per week (optional)
    – vegetables to the max., particularly cruciferous (organic if possible)
    – no added fat
    – no added sugar
    – no added salt
    – minimal alcohol
    – minimal fruit (sugar is sugar)
    – vegetables to the max.
    – vegetables to the max. – did I already say that?

    Other dietary policies:
    – only eat to 80% full
    – structure eating habits to include small snacks throughout day, rather than large meals
    – even stretch half your enormous bowl of breakfast over the whole day by refrigerating. protein and slow release carbs = ideal
    – try and always feel a bit hungry
    Very Important:
    – when your hormone levels start to fall, and levels become out of balance with age, Naturally restore them to healthy youthful levels EARLY
    – take your health into your own hands, next to your family it’s the most important thing in life
    – do your own research, don’t believe anything ANYONE says (including conventional General Practitioners), even if it’s in print
    – supplement daily with (at MINIMUM): Ubiquinol; Pomegranate; Thymus; Magnesium; Phosphorus; plus, Life Extension Foundation’s Life Extension Mix product.
    – exercise supplements: Arginine and Creatine are useful in terms of providing a little extra zest to help you physically, energy wise, put the most into a session

    Exercise staples:
    – one: 3 mile jog; OR 24 lap swim, per week
    – optimally: one of each
    – two sessions of isometric exercises per week (each one after jog or swim), with 5 sets of 10 chin-ups included (incorporate leg raises in chin-up sets to work abdominals and strengthen core)
    – women: hands shoulder width apart on bar
    – maintains all-round tone
    – guys: hands approximately 1m apart on bar
    – attains and maintains a V-shaped athletic (with a little bulk) masculine physique
    – you don’t need to ‘pump iron’ or work-out with weights and stress/destroy your joints to attain or maintain a healthy, and what society deems an attractive physique.
    your own body weight combined with resistance, exercise (particularly swimming), and optimal hormone levels and balance is sufficient. for guys: if you actually ask them, very few women find the pumped up lumpy body builder physique attractive.
    – most importantly, you don’t need to use steroids (which are for people who are trying to get something for nothing [doesn’t happen in life in the long term]. whilst, like a washing machine on credit, the price is deferred, you’ll still end up paying later with your health)

    Physical Status:
    – 45 years; 180cm; 82kg
    – can still run a 6 minute mile like when in school
    – still have an 8-pack etc.
    – resting pulse: 62
    – resting blood pressure: 100/60
    – HBa1C; LDL; Cholesterol, etc. all optimal
    – no joint or connective tissue issues
    – physically, feel no perceivable difference to when 25. can still do the days work of a 25 year old, though more relevant (to me), is that: providing after a hard-days physical work, I have a decent early meal with a couple of scoops of protein powder, and 8 hours sleep, I can get up and do it all over again day-in-day-out.

    In Summary
    40+ has been an especially enlightening period, being a critical period in the ageing process, when any legacy from youthful unhealthy lifestyle choices, as well as declining hormone levels, start to physically manifest themselves. if I need any reassurance what I’ve practised and advocated makes a massive difference, I only need to look around at the state of the health of friends I’ve known for 20+ years who are now also around 45.

    Many friends have maintained a regular exercise routine, probably to an even greater and more competitive extent than I have, though from observation exercise has not seemed to have made too much of a difference by itself in terms of muting/blunting the ageing process. It seems to be the whole package that makes a difference.

    some readers might say, in making personal experiences public via this blog, that I think I’m better or some other rubbish. But if so it will likely be from the ‘quitters’ and the “I can’t do it” types, who are looking for a way to dismiss and write-off what I’ve stated above, and justify to themselves why the above isn’t valid and why they shouldn’t do it. ie. trying to find a way around putting in the work.

    however, if someone reads this blog, who has practised similar habits, please also leave your comments.

    Healthy ageing seems to me to largely be all about the “R”‘s: renew; repair; regenerate; refurbish; recompensate; remake; remodel; rebuild, etc. etc.
    Unlike when younger, with age, the body produces diminishingly less of the raw materials (predominantly hormones) it needs to achieve the “R”‘s.
    Therefore, it appears logical that you need to continually feed the body the right fuels (diet) it needs to produce the raw materials it is still capable of producing, and also to supplement the raw materials it is no longer capable of producing.

  2. don’t get me started on parenting. how some parents can put what they put into their children’s mouths is beyond comprehension. it should be a criminal offence. you gotta wonder if they actually love their children or not.

    i would have thought one thing you’d like to see as a parent is for your children to not make the same mistakes you made and to do it better than you.

    there should be ‘food police’ patrolling supermarket check-outs, making on-the-spot balanced assessments of parents’ carts, and arresting them if it’s below par.

    it’s gonna be interesting to see the state of the english speaking (as a 1st language) world’s health as a whole in 15 years. i say english speaking because this junk-food/unhealthy eating pandemic seems predominantly confined to such countries: US, UK, Australia, etc..

    Whilst bad eating habits are catching on in continental europe and elsewhere, foreign language speaking countries have many years to go till they are even 20% as bad as the ‘english spoken as a 1st language’ countries.

    1. Matthew,

      You seem like an intelligent person. So why not go out and try to educate those people that you think should just “get it” (like Lisa and her team)? Complaining and judging others on the comment section of a blog isn’t going to make a change. If you feel that serious about something then why don’t you try getting off your back-side and getting out there and putting in the hard work.. it is the simple answer ;)

      Have a good day!

  3. Hello,
    It amazes me when I come across websites/enterprises such as yours, that you can make a living from it, because its just so hard to believe the average person on the street is just so damn stupid, that they need to be told all this, and don’t just inherently ‘get it’.

    I kind of don’t believe they are. It seems impossible/improbable.

    It seems such a fundamental principal, if you’re interested in staying healthy for as much of your life as possible, that you should only put into your body food in a state that’s as close to its natural state as it would be growing/living in, in the wild. ie. with as little adulteration at the hands of man as possible. And obviously don’t eat chemicals synthesised by man.

    It almost seems a parallel scenario with the one where someone makes a resolution to lose weight, so they order in-home exercise equipment.
    This satisfies their conscience because they can say to themselves they’re doing something, but really they’re still just stalling as they really know, deep-down, it will take 3 weeks for the equipment to arrive.
    THEN, when it arrives they can stretch it out another 2 weeks working out how to assemble the equipment.
    Hence the vast majority of equipment sourced in this manner ultimately sits and gathers dust.

    When really, if they were serious: getting off their back-side and getting out there and putting in the hard work is the simple answer.
    I wonder whether your offering strikes similar psychological chords within people leading a not otherwise healthy eating lifestyle.

    I wonder if many of your customers are playing the same conscience game with themselves, just pretending they didn’t know the truth/didn’t know how to change (cause it’s do basic)? just so they can satisfy their conscience that they’re ‘now’ taking steps, meanwhile this gives their subconscious ‘permission’ to continue to eat unhealthily as long as they make small progressive improvements along their ‘education path’ with you?

    I’m babbling, but I just don’t see how it’s so difficult, that people require so much latent education and guidance.

    1. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

      Hi Matthew. While I am very educated about it all now, I did not give processed food much thought as a child, teenager, young adult, and even as recently as my 30′s. Processed was normal. If you are not brought up to look for the difference between what is real food and how we as average Americans have pantries full of what is NOT real, it can take a very long time to wake up to it. It did for me. It took motherhood to make me want to look deeper. While I understand your skepticism, we are called to meet people where they are and welcome them to make important changes now.
      Sincerely ~Amy

  4. Hello:

    I have subscribed to your blog and absolutely love it. I’d love to contribute an article or post. This is right up my alley too — Real Food!

    Thanks for the excellent information!

    Kind regards,
    Lydia Wisz

  5. Hi Lisa!
    For one of my health science courses in college we have a “Student Wellness Project/Assingment”.
    The Wellness Project entails setting a health-related goal for ourselves, determining a plan to meet that goal, and then carrying out the plan and writing a paper on it assessing our health behaviors, motivation, modifications, etc. I have been thinking about cutting out processed foods for a while but always thought the task was unconquerable. Your blog is giving me the courage and resources to do it! I want to take the 10 day challenge to start. What exactly is a “whole food” though? Thank you for doing all this!

    Kindest regards,

  6. OMG, I feel as though this site is an answer to my prayers!! I am revamping our lifestyle and looking to empty the pantry from all things “bad”. I have found my first step!! I look forward to achieving a no process food pantry, and finding this golden gem I now know it is attainable. I can’t express how excited I am to have found you.

  7. Gregory Davidson, D.N.

    I heard part of your interview on WGN this morning. Good job! Was the WGN host of the show playing “devil’s advocate” by saying he eats GMOs all the time, etc and everything was fine? He couldn’t be that ignorant, well I guess he could. He must have been sticking to a script so he could make statements like that and then you could reply with correct information…right? Wow, I hope so.
    By the way, I am working with a group of people to get rid of GMO’s in Illinois. We contact some state reps, senators. One woman works with Jeffrey Smith. We screened “Genetic Roulette” a few weeks ago. Is there anything I can do to help you? Thanks

    1. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

      Hi Gregory. Thank you for the feed back and we so appreciate your offer of support. Good luck with your GMO work, too. ~Amy

  8. jennifer barton

    I’m so glad to hear what you are doing, my son 9 has a complete reaction to any food color Red 40, yellow 5 & 6 , our family noticed two years a go and stopped buying anything with dyes including any medication, he is so much better, I tell anyone who will listen about the dyes. I hope the FDA will hear and do something about this, thanks for being the voice.

  9. I am delighted to discover this blog on my journey to feeding my family well and to teaching patients that healing should first be through food and lifestyle choices – not through medication! (I am in my final year of residency training in combined pediatrics and internal medicine). I hope to make a career of practicing “modern medicine” with a twist – empowering people to make changes that invest in the future health of their bodies and the environment and using medication as a last resort. Thank for all you do!

  10. Im shocked! you people run a nutrition blog, and none of you are doctors, thats pretty bad, yo made claims based on “internet” information, for every article you found taking one side theres another taking the other side ( is milk good or bad?) doctors should be talking about this, no pro-organic activists, that dont have an explanation and just have a passion for it. The claims you are making could lead people to making bad choices, that has to be on you, my father had cancer, he was really weak, after quimo, i advice him to take two portions a day of a Protein Shake, (isopure), to fight the anaemia, he needed about 140 gm of protein a day, you are liying telling people that is easy to consume that much protein from regular food! Youll have to eat A LOT of food, well he started to consume the protein shake, and the doctors were amazed! the anaemia disapeear in 2 weeks, he was able to survive the qimos felling better, and it was a huge difference thanks to Isopure. If someone follow your advice and not take this protein shake could be a life or death situation, i hope you get that before preaching absolute truth. There is no real evidence about GMOs (there are a bunch of studies claiming good and bad non of themare definitive) the same with organic food, i hope you think about this ad become more responsable, at the end, we are diferent, nutrition should be seen as a case by case basis, and not preaching universal solutions.

    1. Will – We don’t run a “nutrition blog,” our blog is about cutting out processed food. I cannot make sense of some of your other statements due to the grammatical and typographical errors so cannot reply to those.

      Sorry about your dad…obviously people with special dietary needs require, well, special diets! We obviously cannot write individual advice for every one of our readers and do not try to. Of course we are all different…our “universal” tenant is to cut out processed food. Hard to argue that, but if you disagree, you are in the wrong place.

      Regarding GMOs and organic food, we’ve made the conscious decision to avoid GMOs, food additives, and chemical pesticides whenever possible. Much easier than trying to tease out the truth from mostly industry funded research. I think of it as an insurance policy I am happy to pay.

    2. Will, you should educate yourself about the amount of nutritional training doctors receive in medical school – it is dismal. While they may be able to recommend certain dietary changes they typically lack the more in depth knowledge on how to carry these changes out. You even say that YOU advised your dad to add protein to your his diet and he improved and the doctors were amazed. That in and of itself is telling. To be honest I can’t even figure out why you were on this website. Lisa and Jason have never misrepresented themselves as medical experts and their mission is clearly stated. Best of luck to you and your dad.

    3. As far as I know Doctors only have to do something like 2 days training on nutrition, so most Doctors are not terribly well informed either. They are looking at ways to cure a health problem not prevent a health problem. People running these blogs are trying to give people tools to help themselves and I personally am grateful for the information. It is always good to read different sources of information and make the best choices for yourself.

      1. Yes, while doctors are important they are not alays right. I’ve had one tell me my son’s collarbone wasn’t broken when it was, one incorrectly write down the reason for my visit, if I went in for one issue then had another question was told to make another apointment, prescribed meds for anxiety when what I needed was a different way to think and relax, prescribed pain meds for muscle issues when hot packs and yoga help just as much and help prevent pain. Doctors often want to medicate the problem w/o finding the source of the problem. Without locating the source you will forever be on that med to treat that symptom. From what I can tell eating a better diet is the solution..not the bandaid to many problems.

  11. Amy,
    I am so proud of you and envious at the same time. What a great team of people you are working with; I read everyone’s info and love them all! I wish you loads of fun and learning along the way. I look forward to keeping up with 100 Days of Real Food. Good luck to you, although I know you don’t need it. Miss you here in Florida!
    Love ya!

    1. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

      Awe,Pam!! Thank you. I miss you (and Florida), too! I feel very lucky to be a part of 100 Days. Keep reading and please stay in touch. : ) ~Amy

  12. Two question I would love help with.

    1. Can you post a list on on-line retailers for bulk food staples?

    2. We currently live in Rhode Island and we are moving (driving) to San Diego departing in April via the southern route I 95 to New York, the I 81 to Knoxville then I 40 to Nashville and Memphis and on the I 30 to Dallas. Following I 20 and I 10 to El Paso and on to Tuscon, finally following the I 8 to San Diego. We would love to be in contact with people who live along the route kind enough to share their healthy food locations and recommendations. I will and create a post of our Vegan food adventures while taking this car journey. Any suggestions and help with this food adventure would be gratefully appreciated.

    1. Hi Mark,

      Unfortunately we don’t have direct experience to assist with your two requests, but we are working on a community for the site that should facilitate reader to reader connections. This will hopefully help with locations specific questions.Stay tuned and good luck on your adventure! We’ve done a few cross country trips ourselves and have one loosely planned for summer ’14. Nothing like a good road trip.

  13. Love your website.I have a little 4 yr old boy and husband who both have skin problems and arthritis. Changing our diets have helped alot.Totally cutting out all food coloring and alot of preservatives has almost taken my son’s eczema away. We live in a area with not alot of health food stores and no farmers markets , so that is tough but we are definetly doing better than we did before meeting your family. Thank you!

  14. I love what you are doing! I am a health care practitioner and would love to chat with Lisa. Could you email me and perhaps we could set up a time to talk?

    Thanks in advance!

  15. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your helpful (life-saving!) information on healthy eating. I know personally how hard it is to get people to take good nutrition advice seriously. They somehow believe the food giants when they say their product is healthy, but won’t listen to the real deal. And the latest really angers me: Coke claiming to be experts on obesity! Hello….they were a major CONTRIBUTOR to the problem of obesity in our country…make billions in the process.
    Thanks from the bottom of my heart for your work. I consider you all part of my team in the effort to give people their health back. Blessings to all of you!

  16. Hi Lisa…is it weird that I already consider you my friend? A darling, helpful, real, beautiful virtual friend. I’ve been a constant follower of this blog for several months, and follow you on facebook. Every recipe I’ve tried is delicious and I trust your advice and knowledge. I’ve made huge steps in our family’s eating habits, and continue to do so. I’m a stay at home mom of 4 kids (9, 7, 5, 2). Thank you for your hard work!

  17. None of these people have any kind of background in science. I’m not saying they arent correct, just that they arent credible.

    1. Ryan – I appreciate your feedback, but this entire blog is about how my family (and other families can) cut processed food out of their everyday, busy lives. I have to argue that I am pretty darn credible when it comes to that. I am a mom who has basically dedicated my life to seeking out the real food in a processed food world, which has inspired the resources shared on this blog. Readers want actionable steps they can take to better their families not just scientific evidence telling them why they should do it.

  18. What is the team’s educational background? Are any of you certified nutritionists or have any kind of education in foods and nutrition or agriculture?

    1. Trudy – While some of the team members have basic training in nutrition and physical training, this is purely circumstantial and had nothing to do with them being hired on. As you can read, our educational backgrounds vary from engineering to business to accounting and so on. This site and our expertise have been and continue to be built on first hand experiences, research, and passion. Lisa and I agree with Michael Pollan’s assessment of “nutritionism” in America and feel too much emphasis is put on individual nutrients rather than cutting out processed foods and getting plenty of variety (and lots of plants!) You may also want to check out our disclaimer if you have not done so already.

  19. Nice to see you giving credit to your team. Unlike some OTHER major blogger who would rather you think she is wonder woman.

  20. So great to see the brains behind the beauty! This site has revolutionized my life! Three weeks in and my husband has almost thanked me every day for the food I’m making. It feels right to be eating this way:) keep up the good work and I have a feeling this is only the beginning:)

  21. Wow!!!! I had no idea what it took to run this blog. I think it is great that your husband was able to leave the corporate scene and that this is now your “family business”. I also think it is great that our blog has grown so much. You are truly speading the word about Real Food and it is so important. You are ALL amazing. Thanks for all you do!!

  22. Great to see a face with all the names. I have been following you since January (found you thru pinterest). you have helped my family more than words can say. I also appreciate the fact that you honestly tell us you give your family non whole food treats every once in awhile. I feel better when we slip up and didn’t eat 100% whole foods. Continue to keep it real (food and honesty).

    Thank you for all you do,

  23. Lisa and Team! I am sure you received hundreds of candidates for your part time job opening including myself! What is the timeline for hiring the new person?


  24. Hi Team,

    I thoroughly applaud your devotion to educating the masses about what we are really eating. Just one suggestion: As a critical thinker, I often find myself asking where your documentation is. For instance, you mention the results of studies on modified soy. Can you please provide documentation for this? Adding links to references for such studies would add tremendous credibility to your efforts.

    Keep the fight.

    1. PJ – Thanks for the kind words. We provide practical resources to help average families cut out processed foods and introduce more real food into their diets. The focus is more on the ‘how’ than the ‘why’, so while we do cite a study here and there, we prefer not to go down the rabbit hole of one study being better than another, or who funded what study (which is VERY important), etc. We recommend taking in some of the books and documentaries on our our “Recommended Reading” page to get more insight into why a whole food diet makes sense. You can certainly investigate their sources further and make up your mind on what is best for you.

  25. I’ve been researching healthy eating for some time now but just became serious upon the birth of my daughter 7 months ago. I want to make sure she grows up without an addiction to unhealthy, sugary foods unlike so many of today’s children. Thanks so much for putting all of this information in one place.

  26. Hi everyone!

    It’s a pleasure to meet everyone. I love how you bring awareness to us about the foods we ingest. I’ve been eating whole food for a few years now and it’s great to see the support is growing.

    What I like most about your blog is your honest approach. No pretense….you all come across as real people and that is appealing and refreshing!

    Thank you for sharing your life with us.


  27. Congrats! It is so inspiring to watch your blog and team grow. We have been having a revolution in our kitchen and it all started with green smoothies last summer. Whole food eating is a part of our lifestyle, and we love it.

  28. I am sooo happy that I discovered your site about four months ago and have been adicted since. I believe my entire family has benifited and am really excited about your new staff bringing what they can to the table. Congrats!!

  29. I have been reading your blog a lot – never committing. I have enjoyed the trial-by-error and honest approach to your food journey. And have sent lots of people your way to begin their real food journey. Thanks.

  30. Thanks for introducing us to your talented and busy team. I have been reading your blogs since last August and have cut out most processed foods. Love your recipes. Although my children are grown, I applaud all of you young mothers for taking the time to feed your children “real food.” It is so interesting and must be very rewarding to you to read how much you have helped other families.

  31. Hi Lisa and Crew…it is so nice to meet the team….I found your site about 2 months ago…I recently lost my husband to lung cancer , at age 45….and decided that I am committed to eating healthy for myself and my 3 children….I read your blog everyday and have been changing our diet, with a little resistance from the kids.lol…although recently they are just accepting to the food we have here in the house and are just as happy. Anyhow..thank you so much for writing this…I realize it is extremely time consuming but believe me it is so helpful and has really made me aware of the importance of real food and its part in our lives. Thank you !

  32. Yay for healthy blogging! As a recent graduate from Nutritional Therapy Association, I applaud you and your teams wonderful endeavors to spread the news about properly-prepared, nutritionally-dense food. Little by little, we ARE making a difference on the road to good health. Great job!

  33. Cheers! No one is smiling more than me that you have built a team, delegated tasks and moved from a solo-preneur to a booming business. Well done. you must have had some good advice ; )

  34. So glad to meet the team. I always wondered who was behind the magic. Well done to all of you! I absolutely love this site– can’t say I remember how I managed to come across it though :) but I am SO glad I did! Since then, I have been recommending it to friends of mine, especially ones with kids. Your recipes are the only healthy ones whose food my family members will actually eat! Thank you!