Charlotte Today Show Appearance – School Lunches

Quick Links to the Items Mentioned in the Video Clip:

Click here to see all my posts on school lunches including photo round-ups, tips, and recipes.

45 thoughts on “Charlotte Today Show Appearance – School Lunches”

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  1. Do you still recommend the Landsend Soft Sided Lunch bags? I’m having trouble finding a good brand for my daughters?

  2. You did awesome!! Thank you for your hard work and dedication to your children (and their health) and to our children as well!

  3. Cool to see you in action. Very nice clip that will hopefully get people thinking. So many folks think whole foods = all day in the kitchen.

  4. Awh…you’re adorable! It was so nice to see you in action! I found your website a couple weeks ago and man – my life and the life of my 2 girls (5 and 9) and husband is forever changed….for the better! I am on a mission and you are my inspiration! I have stumbled quite a bit but I refer to your website often and keep trying! I’m still in sticker shock from my last few visits to Whole Foods and Trader Joes but I am hopeful I will get the hang of the budget thing as well. You did awesome on the segment – I’ve actually done that once before and my voice was shaky and it went by in a blur…but you were like an old pro!! Nicely done! Keep it up. You are amazing and I thank you for all that you do!!

  5. Way to go, Lisa! So glad your oh-so-important message is spreading not only over the web but over the airwaves as well! Great job, and thanks for lots of inspiration. I don’t have to deal with school lunches for another few years, but husband-lunches are a different story!

  6. This was awesome! You did such a great job! I LOVE your lunch ideas. I just started using the Ziploc containers to pack lunches for my kids at camp last week. They work great. I can tell that I am going to have to start planning ahead better to get more variety in the lunches. Planning really is the key! Thank you!

  7. what a great job! You look just like a seasoned TV professional! Really nice! I know it seems like it was a short 5 min. but people will be checking out your blog, so that’s good! I did 30+ days of lunches, trying to fix something new every day. I pack for my husband, so it’s a bit different than for kids, but I came up with a lot of ideas. Not that you need any help, but you can check out that post, if you’d like:
    You are an inspiration to all of us “packers”! :-)
    from The Dugout

  8. Great video! My son started kindergarten today, and I have started out with the ziplock containers and silicone muffin cups. I’m getting the smoothie tubes next. Thank you for all the wonderful ideas and tips!! They make me excited to pack his lunches knowing that there are so many wholesome, simple options.

  9. Hi Lisa, I have a 3 year old and a 9 month old, so I am not really thinking about school lunches just yet, but I am so ready and prepared as soon as my older one starts school!! I LOVE reading and watching everything you say and do in regards to eating.I have always thought I was healthy, but since I discovered your blog you have truly changed mine and my families lives. thank you <3

  10. Wonderful job, Lisa. I kept thinking that if it were me, I’d forget to breathe and race through it and no one would have understood a word. You were well-spoken, thoughtful, slow and completely on track!

  11. Good job! I’d be a nervous wreck doing that on TV! You did a great job explaining everything. It’s so important that people realize you can make healthy, real food lunches!

  12. THANK YOU for sharing your lunch secrets! I don’t have many mom friends who feel the same as I about the importance of wholesome foods, so you have become my “friend” who shares ideas with me :) My daughter is going into kindergarten and is armed with thermos’, LLBean lunch box, and silicone sticks (and our freezer is stocked!) You really are encouraging and motivating a movement to healthy eating!!!!!

  13. I agree with Liz, Would love to see a video once or more a month! :)

    I am using a lot of tips for my son’s lunch. Thank you for reposting this! :)

  14. Awesome! My son is 23 months so school lunches are a long time away but I have these pages bookmarked so I will be prepared! Are the colorful cupcake papers reusable or just regular ones? Either way that is a so clever! Also I like the Funkins idea, not mentioned here but another great tip from your site! Thanks for all you do!

  15. Wow, nice job! I love that you are helping Moms make healthier lunches, I really hope this makes in impact on families – lets get away from icky Lunchables!! And I agree with the above comment — lets see some video blogs!

  16. i really enjoyed watching that. my kids lunches have always been healthy and natural but a bit repetitive and boring. you have made me very motivated about getting more creative and varied!!