Katie and Megan of Prescribe Nutrition have a program starting September 14th entitled “Kids Rule” and are offering a 20% discount for 100 Days of Real Food readers. Read on to find out more.
For many families, getting kids completely onboard eating unprocessed foods doesn’t happen overnight. Children are constantly subjected to marketing efforts by food companies that look more than appealing to them. If you’re a parent, you know that navigating your way downthe road to eating “real food” isn’t always the easiest, and well, Prescribe Nutrition understands this as well. Sometimes we try to sneak healthy foods into our kid’s diets, but at the end of the day wouldn’t it be great if kids learned about proper nutrition and actually had their own desires to eat healthy?
Megan Morris and Katie Jasper, functional (emphasis on the “fun”) nutritionists, have created a program that works to educate you and your kids in a way that just may leave you living with little health nuts by the end! The program gives you direct access to a message board where you’ll be a part of a group of other parents with similar goals in mind. You’ll get constant support, tips, and tricks along with podcasts chalk full of information … and of course, fun activities and challenges to do with your kids.
Whether your child is a picky eater, has food sensitivities or nutrient deficiencies (you may not even know about!), Kids Rule will help you gain more knowledge on the subject – for both you and your kids. Their program will help you discern what foods may be problematic for your child and how to work your way through the “picky eating” in a way that actually makes sense. Kids Rule will put you in contact with other like-minded individuals, and it will give you recipes that both you and your kids will be excited about … yes, even cauliflower pizzas, green smoothies, and quinoa dishes that are 100% kid approved.
The course is 12 days but promises you tools that will last a lifetime. Why wait?!
Readers of 100 Days of Real Food can save 20% with the code 100days20. Click here to sign up – or to just find out more.