My Favorite School Lunch Supplies

A lot of these items have been shared at one time or another on the blog, but I thought it would be helpful to have everything together in one post. So below are the supplies I love to use when it comes to packing school lunches. Please feel free to share your favorites in the comments below.

For ideas on what “real food” to pack using these school lunch supplies the check out my School Lunch Ideas post!

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374 thoughts on “My Favorite School Lunch Supplies”

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  1. How do you clean the Land’s End lunchbox? We had an applesauce spill and I can’t seem to get it not to smell! I have never had this issue before with other lunchboxes…not sure if it is because of how long it sat like that (all day at school) or what…help!!

    1. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

      Hi Pam. Usually soap, water, and air drying does the trick. I’ve added a little lemon juice, too, to get rid of unwanted aromas. :) ~Amy

  2. My son has problems opening up his thermos, the seal becomes too tight. So most times the lunch comes home. Do you know of any thermos that has and easy open lid?

    1. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

      Hello Pauline. We had a problem with that a couple times, too, though my kids asked for help…they know I am unhappy if they bring back a lunch that has not been eaten. :) The Aladdin 12 oz Hybrid Kiddo Stainless Steel Vacuum Food Jar has a lid designed for small hands and works well. My kids have these as well as Thermos brand jars but the Thermos ones have flat lids. ~Amy

  3. As I was cleaning my sons thermos drink container tonight, I found black mold in the straw. Yikes! He has never had anything other than water in the container. I do clean it daily but do not always remove the straw. Any experience with this problem? Solutions other than removing the straw each time?

    1. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

      Hi Jennifer. Bacteria can build up in any moist area. I rinse with soap and water everyday. You can also buy a straw brush cleaner. It is just like a tiny bottle brush and works perfectly. You can find them in the sippy cup area of most larger stores or on Amazon. ~Amy

  4. Thanks for the tip about cloth napkins. That is all we use at home but it had never occurred to me to use them in my kids’ lunches. The re-useable bags I use are from Re-Pac The company is local (to me) and the bags are quite sturdy and are super easy to clean (throw them in the washer with your napkins). They also come in several sizes and a variety of cute colors and patterns.

  5. Hi,
    do you know if the Bento lunch boxes you use are sold in Australia? I tried to order off Amazon, but they don’t ship to Australia, and I tried to search for them here, but didn’t have any luck, I got the Silicone Ice Pop makers – they are brilliant. I have a son who has an intolerance to colours, and I haven’t been able to find a water icy pole that doesn’t contain nasty colours – even the “fruit” icy poles, all have nasty colours added. So this way I can at least make my own. But I love the lunch boxes you use, it would save my boys have to open lots of little containers… – and easier for me to clean! :) Thank you, and thanks for the great food ideas :)

  6. Just found your website and I love it! Thanks for all the great ideas. I was wondering if you’ve ever tried lunchbots? They’re stainless steel containers with different size compartments. A little pricey, but worth it and my kids like the too!

  7. I have a question about the silicone cups. How do you clean them? I had a silicone muffin pan years ago and it always seemed to get a white residue on it when I put it in the dishwasher.

    1. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

      Hi there. Silicone is dishwasher safe. It was likely whatever soap you used that left the residue. It should go away if you rinse the cups in warm water. I prefer washing my silicone by hand. ~Amy

  8. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

    Hi Bill. Do you mean other than in a thermos? Let me know how I can help. Just not sure what you are asking. ~Amy

  9. Found your website via a presentation on nutrition recently. Was wondering if there is a easy way to send juice. Any idea? Thanks.

  10. Can you recommend divided kid plates that are dishwasher and microwave safe? My little ones love the cute themes and seem to eat more food when meals are served on these but i find it to be such a pain that i can’t heat leftovers up on the plates.

  11. I can’t imagine kids keeping the divided container flat and with multiple items in the large section, how do the foods not get all mixed together?

  12. These ideas are great! I pick up silverware at Goodwill for my daughter’s and husband’s lunches. That way we’re not tossing (and constantly buying) plastic ware, and I don’t care if it doesn’t come back home.

  13. Do you have problems with the thermos containers leaking or having a hard time cleaning the lid and inner seal? The reviews online mention the latter and I want to make sure that’s not an issue before I order 3 of them. Thanks. I love your sight it has encouraged me to make many, many changes with respect to what my kiddos take in their lunches and what I feed my family every day. Keep up the great work!

    1. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

      Hi Jennifer. No leaking issues at all. You do have to clean the lid and seal but I don’t think it is particularly challenging. :) ~Amy

  14. I’m on the hunt to find a Thermos-like container that isn’t shaped for soup. Something that holds flat things (oh, such as a slice of pizza or a quesadilla) and keeps it warm. Suggestions?

      1. my mom use to make )crest rolls sauce cheese veggie) pizza rolls and send them in the “soup” looking one, or would send a hot dog in bun cut in half in the “soup” one or a whole uncut hotdog in the “drink” one. she would used a juice box as an ice pack since w were older the older kids ate at a later time. good luck

    1. Any luck finding this yet? I too am on the hunt to keep solids (chicken fingers, pot pies, etc) warm without putting them in a vertical thermos (designed for stews, etc). Please post if you are successful in finding something out there!

      1. Heather Wainwright

        I’ve found that there are all sorts of hot/cold gel packs that you can get online or even at your local grocery store/pharmacy.

        Would that be a solution for hot lunches? Using hot packs instead of cold packs in the insulated lunch bag? I’m wondering if anyone has tried it.

        Also, I just found these cute kid-friendly ones that are inexpensive.

  15. I LOVE all these great ideas!! I just wanted to clarify before I hit the order button over at Land’s End…the divided ziplock containers AND the thermos drink bottle fit together in the Land’s End Soft Sided lunch box? We are currently using a Pottery Barn lunchbox and we can’t fit his water in it with the ziplock container, and he keeps forgetting it in his backpack when he takes his lunch down to the cafeteria. I would love to have it all in one place! Thanks!! (And, sorry, if this was already asked and answered in the comments – I scrolled through as many as I could before writing this:)!

    1. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

      Hi Danielle. If you are concerned, there is a secure pouch on the side for the water bottle, too. That is where I put ours when the lunch bags are packed full. I’ve used the Land’s End lunch bags for 5 years. :) ~Amy

  16. I love all these adorable lunch items! My question is: Since most of these items are not throw-aways, how do you get the kids to make sure everything is returned home and not thrown out? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sent lunch in non-disposable containers that found their way into the school’s garbage can…

    1. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

      Hi Elisa. That happened once or twice to us but I made it really clear to my boys that everything that goes to school in the bag (minus the food) needs to come back in the bag. It almost always does now. It helps to label everything, too. The Ziplock containers are great because they are just one divided piece that holds everything. :) Best of luck. ~Amy

  17. Hi. I’m new here. I’m so excited about your message and what you’re doing, but, honestly, I’m extremely disappointed to see you advocating plastics (even BPA free ones). Leaching still happens. Why not replace Ziplock with Lunchskins (or something similar, like the small Planet Box containers)? And it’s not just about the plastic. Do these products include flame retardants or other hidden toxins? I’m not sure but I would hope that y’all would know and do full disclosure. I’d love to be able to count on your recommendations! Thank you for all your hard work. I know it’s daunting.

  18. Hi, I am interested in buying the Land’s End soft sided lunch box you recommended. We already have the Thermos bottles. Do they fit in the mesh pocket on the side of the lunch box? Or could you tell me in your experience if the thermos bottle and a ziploc divided container fit in the main compartment at the same time?

    1. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

      Hi Megan. I somehow mixed up my replies! :) Are you asking about the drink thermos? You can use the mesh pocket for the small drink thermos and it stays in securely. The soup/wider thermos will not fit in the mesh pocket or in the bag with the Ziplock container. You have to use smaller accompanying containers the days you send the wide thermos. :) ~Amy

  19. I’ve also been shopping thrift/junk stores for silverware, just pennies and don’t have to worry if they lose one too. :) Loved these things, added a few to my wish list! :)

  20. How easy are those Thermos bottles to clean? I’ve had my share of these straw cups/bottles and always find ‘something’ collecting in those straws or lining that is hard to clean/get rid off. How do you clean them?

    1. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

      Hi Agnes. They do have parts that need attention each day. I find that if wash and soak each in hot soapy water and then rinse and dry them so no moisture collects, keeping them clean is not a problem. ~Amy

  21. THANK YOU! I am a full time working mommy who does my very best to provide preservative free, real food for my family but I need some slack sometimes. You are real. I don’t feel guilty and bad about myself when I’m done reading your posts. Thank you!

  22. I have used a thermos type bowl (from Starbucks) a lot but it does not really keep foods warm. If I put the hot water in it, fill it with HOT soup, and surround it with a heated rice bag and towels… the food is lukewarm by the time dh gets to it. Granted, he leaves very early so it’s in there for 5 hours or so before he uses it.

    I’m doubting these thermos bowls are any better. ????

  23. The silicone is safe because it is a non-porous solid, but the chemical they use instead of BPA is just as bad and there is 15 other ones they don’t talk about that are just as bad in plastic. Plus plastic is a semi-porous solid so it soaks up and leeches things which makes it unsanitary and dangerous. Way more so than the processed foods you’re avoiding.

  24. Will the Land’s End soft-sided lunch box hold a Planet Box? I love the concept of the Planet Box, but am not wild about their bags.

  25. First, the 3 compartment Ziplock containers, I have a difficult time fitting those into the kids lunch boxes :( If it was only a half inch shorter both width and length it would be perfect. I also found them cheapest at our local grocery store, Woodman’s.

    Second and last, is AWESOME. I’ve been using them for years and I love their lists and calendar apps. I have (and app) for my menu planning that I’m used to so I haven’t use Cozi’s. Probably won’t since I’m so moved into pepperplate at this point.

  26. I love the idea of the cloth napkins, but found that the cute ones you recommend (which I love) are way out of our price range, especially since we are a family of 6. As an alternative, I found really fun fabric pieces for making quilts (let me preface by saying I am very far from being crafty or a seamstress!) @ Walmart for $9 and when cut in half, they made 16 napkins. All I had to do was sew a seam and iron. 16 napkins for $9! That’s a deal! Thanks for inspiring me to do something I never would have thought of doing.

  27. I loved these tips and use these products as well. I am now struggling with my older kids lunches. They love to take dinner leftovers but many don’t do well in a thermos. On top of that they leave so early but eat so late that it’s hard to get the food to stay tasty warm. The school does provide microwaves which is great but with all the controversy over microwaving plastics I’m not sure what containers to send. Glass doesn’t seem like the best idea with the rough & tumble rides their lunch boxes often endure. Do you have any suggestions?

    1. I’ve Used The Thermos Bowl For My Daughter Many Times And It Always Stays Hot Until Lunch.I Just Put Really HoT Water In It, Close It Up For A Few Minutes And Then When I’m Ready To Put The Food In It’s Good And Warm. The Same Goes For Cold Items Too. Even In The Thermos Cup. I Put Cold Water And Ice In For A Few Minutes Then Dump It Out And Milk Stays Cold All Say.

  28. I just wanted to share that Costco sells an Artic Zone Ultra lunch bag that has two handles, one at the top like most lunch boxes, but one also on the side, perfect for lunches like bento containers. It also has an expandable zipper to make the bag bigger for thermos etc. but when its fully zipped, is no bigger then a typical lunch bag. This will be our first year really utilizing these things to make healthier lunches. Thank you for all of the great tips!

  29. Do you have the dimensions of the Ziploc bento containers? Want to make sure it will fit in our lunchboxes!! THX!!

    1. I LOVE all these ideas as well but am concerned about the containers, specifically the silicone cups. They seem awesome to cook & serve in but are we sure nothing leeches out into the food?

    2. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

      Hi there. Lisa uses Ziplock containers which do not contain BPA nor do the silicone cups. ~Amy

  30. If I want to pack hot lunch for my kid, do you think the PlanetBox can be used as a replacement for the thermos container? Are each individual compartment sealed when closed so no food from other compartments can get to each other? Thank you for your time to answer my questions.