Supermarket Real Food “Cheat Sheet”

Last week I made my feelings clear about “health food” stores and all of the organic junk food that they sell. I do love that these stores usually offer a wide variety (and high quality) selection of organic produce as well as a nice assortment of whole-grain products. But you still have to have your guard up when you are shopping because, as I mentioned, everything that health food stores offer is by no means “real food” approved. So what better thing to do than share a “cheat sheet” to help you navigate through all of that junk to find the good, wholesome, real food?

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I spent a great deal of time walking through our local Earth Fare store (the South Charlotte location) looking at every single product that they sell. I know not everyone lives in Charlotte (or shops at Earth Fare for that matter!), but a lot of the products that they carry are sold nationwide. So what I came up with was an eleven-page bullet point list of every single item that you could buy and eat/drink from Earth Fare if you were following our real food rules. This document is the perfect “cheat sheet” for those taking the 10 Days of Real Food pledge. Oh how I wish I had this handed over to me when we started our 100 Days of Real Food pledge last year!

The Earth Fare Real Food Cheat Sheet is located in our Free Membership area, which you can join by clicking the button below –

Become a Free Member & Download the Tip Sheet

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169 thoughts on “Supermarket Real Food “Cheat Sheet””

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  1. Is there a way to get this supermarket cheat sheet without being on Facebook? Can you email it to me? Thanks!

    Love your site!

  2. I am so excited to have found your blog! It is a wealth of information and such an encouragement as I try to prepare real food for my family…thank you for sharing!! I am not on Facebook but would love to have your “Cheat Sheet” if you are willing to email me one.

  3. I would appreciate a copy of the supermarket cheat sheet be emailed to me. Thank you. Just found your site, and will be back.

  4. I’ve tried to look at several things on your website, and all of them direct me to your facebook page. I refuse to sign up on facebook, and wish this information was available to NON facebook users.

  5. Please email this to me as I am not on facebook. I am so happy I found your site as we are moving to real food eating this year. Although the hardest thing for me to give up thus far is my soda and truvia in my coffee. Does truvia count as a sugar substitute if made from stevia plant?


  6. I am not on Facebook but would really love to have this information. Could you email it to me?
    Your website is amazing and I am looking forward to cutting the processed foods out of our kitchen!

  7. Hi Lisa, I am loving this idea. Could you please email me a copy of the supermarket cheat sheet as well as the menus that you have posted on facebook. I am not on facebook but I would love to participate.

  8. would you please e-mail me a copy of the supermarket cheat sheet? I am not on facebook. thank you so much, I love your webpage.

  9. Please e-mail Super Market Cheat list or snail mail it to
    2218 Woodmen
    San Antonio, Texas

    We heard about you guys from the Dirt Doctor. Gordon Garrett. We love
    his philosophy and his new book Texas Herbs.

  10. Great idea! I have a Fitness Resource business and we have been
    pushing eating real honest to goodness food for a long time. Our favorite place to shop: farmers markets, local farms and speciality markets. We are not on facebook –our business is strictly word of mouth! Our favorite chefs include: Mark Bittman, Rozanne Gold and
    Jill Norman herbs and spices. Please send me via snail mail Supermarket Real Food cheat list. Our “super” market locations are Whole Foods and Central Market.

  11. I want to do this challenge I pretty much eat this way already…please tell me I can eat organic blue corn chips if they have less than 5 ingredients…

  12. I would love to have the Real Food Cheat sheet, is there a way to get it without being on Facebook, I do not have an account.
    thanks :)

  13. Hi! I would love to get a copy of the cheat sheet as well. Not a FB user. :/ If you are still emailing them out, I’d sure appreciate a copy. :)


  14. Hello,

    I’m not on facebook but I would love a copy of the cheat sheet.
    Thank you!! Your website is so great!! I have already used several of your recipes with great success!!!

  15. Not on facebook either. If I was, I would “like” your page. Please email the cheat sheet to me. I am so excited to get started! Thank you so much for this wonderful idea and sharing it with others.

  16. Lisa,

    As so many others i am not a facebook member. Would you please email me a copy of your cheat sheet. Thanks in advance.

  17. Thank you for all the wonderful ideas and recipes. I would love a copy of your cheat sheet but I am not on FB either. Thank you so much.

  18. Hi Lisa-Could you email me the cheat sheet? Like all the others, I am not a facebook member! Thanks so much! This website is awesome. I’m so glad I stumbled across it one day.

  19. I am not a facebook member either – could you email me the cheat sheet. I love your blog.
    Trying to put more health in my family’s meals.

  20. I thought my husband and I were the only two people in the world not on FB! LOL Glad to see so many of us hold outs. :) Anyway, please e-mail me your cheat sheet. I am a little overwhelmed right now and I think it would be a big help. BTW We watched Food, Inc. and I don’t think I can look down the isles of a grocery store the same, but I think that is a good thing.

  21. michelle mueller

    I am not on facebook. Can you email me cheat sheet?
    Thank you. I love your blog. I have been reading it nonstop since I found it.