Another FREE “Real Food” Meal Plan!

I am thrilled with how popular the first two “real food” meal plans have been! The obvious next step was to of course create another one. And going forward my hope is to create these meal plans seasonally so we can take advantage of some of the fresh,

tasty, local produce that is available at various times of the year. Therefore this meal plan is entitled “Meal Plan 3 – Late Spring,” and I’ve put stars next to all the shopping list items that are currently available at our local farmers’ market. So once again, this is what you can expect to find in Meal Plan #3:

  • One 7-day practical “real food” menu plan designed for busy families
  • Complete meals listed each day for breakfast, lunch, snack and dinner with leftovers incorporated
  • Food quantities calculated for a family of four
  • Corresponding grocery list showing what to buy in order of the store and actual cost for each item (as opposed to the price per serving) with seasonal ingredients highlighted so they can be purchased from the local farmers’ market if desired
  • Budget-friendly prices comparable to what a family of four would receive on full food stamp (SNAP) benefits – $167/week – with plenty of additional cost-saving opportunities because:
    • Coupons were not used
    • Sale prices were not used
    • Prices for organic items were used in most cases
  • All underlined recipes are available on – check out the Recipes & Resources Page for a full list
  • All recipes are working mom/dad-friendly including tips on what to make in advance over the weekend
  • Almost every item listed follows our strict 10-day pledge rules, with just a few minor exceptions to keep the plan realistic for those busy working parents

Here’s the scoop on how to get your Meal Plans

  1. Become an email subscriber by entering your email address in the box below.
  2. Follow the instructions in the welcome email. Make sure you check your junk/spam folder (or search all mail for 100daysofrealfood) if you don’t see it.

As a subscriber, you’ll get weekly blog updates, too!

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About The Author

39 thoughts on “Another FREE “Real Food” Meal Plan!”

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    1. Since we don’t focus on GF grains, I would highly recommend checking conversion charts for the appropriate amounts. – Nicole

  1. Hi there I thought the book my have meal plans along with a grocery list–but you have put those together is there any way I can get a subscription to the 100 days of meal plans because I have bought the book?

  2. Hi! I’ve been a subscriber for a long time, so I don’t need to sign up. How can I access the meal plans? Every time I click on a link it tells me to subscribe to get them, and when I tried to subscribe, of course you tell me I already am :)


    1. Heather Morris

      I am trying to access the free meal plans. I have been a subscriber for quite some time but I cannot find the original meal plans in my emails.

  3. Hi…
    I just happend to come across your blog by chance!! Im so excited and was wanting to try the 100Days of Real Food. Actually I was was searching a healthy breakfast and was really wanting to try the ‘overnight oatmeal’ (Im so needing a change in my breakfast habits). But then I saw your blog and was totally blown away on the ideas and how everything is based on the reality of ‘real family’ life styles. We all can relate to how busy life can be. Your blog is a God send! T

  4. Hi, I had problems with my computer and post all the information, including the meal plans, how can I recover them with out subscribíng again?

      1. Thanks! And thanks again, for the plans, they’ve saved me ma y times, and I live your page! It’s wonderfull!

  5. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

    Hi Tammy. Can you tell me what you mean by ” alot of what I’m finding calls for processed ingredients”, and then maybe I can guide you a little better? Preparing and freezing will be key for sure. ~Amy

  6. Hi there! I am a stay at home mom of three, soon to be four, children. After learning about protein intolerances while nursing my third child, my family decided to start making some changes with how we eat. However, now that my son is “better” and able to tolerate anything he puts in his mouth, we’ve fallen back into old habits. We’ve started buying frozen pizzas and other processed foods because they’re cheap and easy. I really like the idea of making double or triple recipes and freezing them for future meals. A lot of what I’m finding calls for processed ingredients. Since my second and third child both had protein intolerances (we followed the doctor’s instructions and used formula with the second child instead of doing our own research), we’re pretty sure the same will hold true for our next baby. I want to make sure that we’re using wholesome, real ingredients, but I won’t have time to spend at the stove for 2 hours everyday after this child is born. Could you give me some guidance and point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!!

  7. Hello! I am a blogging newbie. Do you use a Facebook app to make the meal plans available only to people who LIKE your page? Thanks for your help! Love your site and recommend it to anyone who will listen! :) ellie

    1. Assistant to 100 Days (Amy)

      Hi Ellie. Welcome. You do need to “like” our page to get access to the menus 1-4 and the Super Market Cheat Sheet. But, it is not an app…just a like. :) ~Amy

  8. I have subscribed to your post recently (just within the last week), and I deleted the e-mail with the free meal plan! I didn’t realize it was on the e-mail…ARGH! Is there any way to get it sent to me again?

  9. Hi! Just found your blog and an so excited. Thank you for all the hard work you have put into this!! I would live the meal plans but I can’t find the link on the Facebook page? Can you help? Thanks!! Margaret

  10. By the way, the links to the Miami Herald articles are no longer working. Do you have another link to that article that we can read? Thanks.

  11. Love this meal plan and blog site!! Know you don’t have much to do, but would love a summer one. This is amazing… thank you for all your hard work!

  12. I’m impressed with how you have been able to make these changes in your eating! I have been thinking for awhile that I need to eat less refined food and more of a plant based diet with some meat, but not a whole lot. But everytime I think I’m going to do it, I get stuck at the menu planning part. I feel like my brain just doesn’t work that way for some reason. But you have done a great job at defining pretty close to what I have been wanting to do! I read an article about you at the DR’s office in Parent and Child Magazine, and was very interested in looking at your blog. I would love to see your menu, but as many others have stated, I am not on facebook. Would you be willing to also e-mail it to me? Thank you so much for sharing your ideas with those of us who want to eat better!

  13. I would LOVE to have all of the menu plans emailed to me as well. We’re a family of 7 trying to baby-step our way to better health. It’s been VERY overwhelming, however, we’re determined to do it…even my children are excited about this & they’re all pretty young(10 down to 5 year old twins). They’re always willing to try new things, which I’m thankful for. We’ve never had candy, cokes etc in the house, nor do they care for those things….howver, they’re in the habit(because of me starting this with them years ago & it’s something that I was always used to as well)of eating a snack after every meal. The problem with this is, while the initial snack is usually a piece of fruit, afterward it’s several graham crackers, or animal crackers, or vanilla wafers or fig newtons etc…you get the idea. Of course, what this means is PROCESSED food. So, I think that your ideas will help us tremendously. I’m just so grateful & happy that I found you by googling about healthy eating!:)

    THANK YOU for what you’re doing & being willing to share it with others.

  14. I’m fairly new to the website and I love it all. However, after looking at the meal plan and the kids lunches, I was wondering about protein. It doesn’t look like there is very much protein for breakfast, lunch or snacks. Is there a reason? I guess I am used to having more protein spaced out during the day, and not mostly in the evening.

  15. Hello :) I discovered your blog by reading an article about you in “Scholastic Parent & Child.” I am so inspired! I thought I was making “healthy” choices for my family, but I now realize that my “healthy” choices were not so healthy! How WONDERFUL that you are taking your precious free time to share this information with others. I do not do Facebook, so could you please e-mail me Meal Plan #1, #2, #3, and the Supermarket Real Food sheet? Thanks!

  16. Thanks for another one! I have been trying to get through some of the food in my pantry by incorporating it into a meal plan but it’s hard to eat stuff you know isn’t “real” food when you know how good the REAL food is! I may give in and just haul it off to the food pantry. My husband and I recently went to listen to the Author of “Raising Elijah: Protecting our children in an age of environmental crisis” and am more convicted than ever about switching over to all real food. The author is actually very hopeful about our human potential to change the overall culture. Promoting real food diets and purchasing locally we are being activists! Did you realize that?
    Oh, the author’s name is Sandra Steingraber. Her talk was a real eye opener and has lit a fire under me to get involved.
    Thanks for the meal plans. It will make this transition easier without having to commit $to a meal plan “service” as well as the expense of buying cleaner food. I will make sure to heck your site and “click through” if I am going to make purchases online in the future. I know it helps. Thanks again!

    1. 100 Days of Real Food

      I have not heard of that book/author…thanks for sharing and glad the meal plans are helpful!

  17. Thank you, thank you! I have been shopping kinda aimlessly at Earthfare – more to familiarize myself with their store, but don’t have the time or knowledge to create a meal plan. This has me in tears this morning. This is the perfect tool I need to get organized. Thank you so much for your time and knowledge.

    1. 100 Days of Real Food

      Hang in there…I remember how difficult it was when we first transitioned (and I had never shopped at Earth Fare before either). I promise it gets so much easier just make sure you stick with it!!

  18. I just found your blog (via a link on facebook from Mary’s Gone Crackers). I LOVE it! I am both a budgeter and very food-conscious. I have food allergies to gluten, dairy, sulfites and other items, so I have been a label reader for about 9 years. I have a family including 2 teenage boys, so my volume is a lot higher than yours. I am excited to read through your 100 days challenges and follow you on facebook! I live in the Seattle, WA area.

  19. Thank you so much! Your last menu plans convinced me that eating real food is actually possible and my family has been happily making the switch to real food ever since. My older son (4 1/2) has had lots of issues with constipation, and they seem to have vanished. My chronic headaches are better and we all feel better overall. Thanks so much for your inspiration!!!!

  20. The first 2 menus you put up I had printed out and my 9 year old grabbed them out of the printer and was reading them. When he handed them to me he asked if we could follow those menu’s instead of the one I had made:) Of course how could I say no!